Cultivating peace in daily life.

Learn About Rhythm of Peace

What is Rhythm of Peace?
Download a Rhythm of Peace flyer.

Rhythm of Peace is an educational project that encourages people of all ages to make peace a priority in their busy lives. The project addresses three human needs common to people of all cultures and beliefs—the need to cultivate peace, the need to renew health, and the need to build community. Read the mission.

Who is it for?

Rhythm of Peace is for people of all ages and beliefs who care about peace. By uniting in a common goal to make peace a priority, we multiply the impact of our individual efforts, and strengthen the collective spirit for peace.

How does it work?

You’re invited to participate in a daily focus on peace. This website offers a simple structure for remembering peace each day. 

Each day, we reflect on a universal theme related to cultivating peace. The 30 themes that appear on this website guide us through a calendar month by focusing on one theme each day. This is one cycle of the rhythm of peace.

After a month, the cycle repeats. Each cycle offers a new opportunity to practice the skills of cultivating peace in our daily activities. The 30 themes are also available in a book format.

A new cycle of the rhythm of peace begins on the first of each month, a natural time to invite friends to join us. With each month we expand our own abilities to cultivate peace, and expand the community of people joining in a daily focus. 

How do I participate?

Here are some ways you might participate in the Rhythm of Peace Project.

1.  Make peace a habit in your daily activities...

Use the daily themes (from the book or this website) as an anchor to cultivate peace and reduce stress during a busy day of activities. Join the daily reflections whenever it works for you, as time and circumstances allow. It’s easy to start, stop, and begin again by simply returning to the theme associated with the day you’d like to participate (first theme on the first day of the month, second theme on the second day of the month, and so on).

2.  Join the Rhythm of Peace Facebook community...

3.  Participate in our twice-monthly Rhythm of Peace community meditations from your home or office...

We affirm the power of community meditations and prayers to gude us in transforming conflicts, to open a path of healing in the face of challenges, to restore hope, and to reduce suffering.  See the Peace Events Calendar for the next meditation.

4.  Participate in Peace Link... 

"Peace Link" offers a practical, daily opportunity to pause for peace, and connect with others, to create a more peaceful world.  This project invites participants to pause for peace for 1 - 5 minutes at NOON and/or 3:00 PM each day, in all times zones.   




Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin. ~Mother Teresa