Get together with friends
Guidelines for Working with Rhythm of Peace Themes in Small Groups
Working with rhythm of peace themes in small groups is a very effective way make peace a daily priority. Small gatherings provide a supportive environment for linking our diverse interests. They help meet our needs for connection and meaning, and offer opportunities for collaboration, compassionate listening, and celebration.
Here you'll find a few suggestions to support you in getting together with friends or co-workers to cultivate peace. The suggestions can easily be adapted to the needs and interests of your group.
Suggested time: 1 1/2 to 2 hours.
Before the meeting you might have a potluck meal and/or take a walk together to support healthy living.
How often: Once or twice a month.
Number of participants: 4 to 12.
Facilitator: One person can facilitate the meeting or the facilitator role can rotate each meeting.
Suggested Outline:
1. Opening
2. Meditattion or centering practice
3. Reflection on the rhythm of peace daily theme
3. Discussion to empower actions for peace
5. Closing