Cultivating peace in daily life.

Get together with friends

Guidelines for Working with Rhythm of Peace Themes in Small Groups

Working with rhythm of peace themes in small groups is a very effective way make peace a daily priority.  Small gatherings provide a supportive environment for linking our diverse interests.  They help meet our needs for connection and meaning, and offer opportunities for collaboration, compassionate listening, and celebration.

Here you'll find a few suggestions to support you in getting together with friends or co-workers to cultivate peace.  The suggestions can easily be adapted to the needs and interests of your group.

Purpose:  Support each other in making peace a daily priority, encourage actions for peace, share challenges, and celebrate results.

Suggested time:  
1 1/2 to 2 hours.
Before the meeting you might have a potluck meal and/or take a walk together to support healthy living.

How often:  Once or twice a month.

Number of participants:  
4 to 12.

One person can facilitate the meeting or the facilitator role can rotate each meeting.

Suggested Outline:    

1.    Opening
2.    Meditattion or centering practice
3.    Reflection on the rhythm of peace daily theme
3.    Discussion to empower actions for peace
5.    Closing

Sample outline for small group gathering.

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin. ~Mother Teresa