Cultivating peace in daily life.

Invitation to new visitors

Join us in a focus on peace each day of 2012...

You're invited to join in a daily focus on peace
with a community of people who care about peace,
and who strive every day to contribute to peace through their choices and actions.

We believe that a daily focus on peace
can help bring clarity, compassion, and balance to our busy lives. 
We also believe in the power of collective intent and shared focus
to multiply the strength and impact of our individual efforts.

As we join together to make peace a priority, each in our own ways,
we give peace an honored place in daily life and build a healthy foundation for a culture of peace.

The Rhythm of Peace Project offers 30 universal themes (one for each day of the month) to support cultivating both inner and outer peace.  The themes highlight some of the tools (e.g., deep listening, forgiveness, non-judgment, letting go, etc.) we can use to cultivate peace in our daily lives.  These peace reflections are available in a beautiful 4-color book (Rhythm of Peace: Cultivating Peace in Daily Life) and on the Rhythm of Peace website.

The Rhythm of Peace Project offers an opportunity for all of us who care about peace to unite our efforts in a way that respects each of our individual contributions while honoring our collective strength.

Please join us today!
Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin. ~Mother Teresa